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Meu Segundo Disco - Maurício Mattar

Meu Segundo Disco

Maurício Mattar  

Format: 1 CD

Genre: pop

Barcode: 5604931063223

They are disliked by those who think that a nurture is only the gallan of Brazilian soap operas.

He started in the song a few years ago and after some edited cds, now comes up with the one who actually considers his second album, with lyrics and songs from his own.

the most consecrated have...

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They are disliked by those who think that a nurture is only the gallan of Brazilian soap operas.

He started in the song a few years ago and after some edited cds, now comes up with the one who actually considers his second album, with lyrics and songs from his own.

the most consecrated have already given him praise:

"Mauritius is an actor, sings, and makes up very well. nice surprise"
Nana caymmi

"Mauritious matting is not just another actor who tries to sing. he's a singer."

"a diamond ready to shine. "
jorge vercilio

with production of paulo calasans, "my second album" reveals to us a pleasant surprise.

is the song of presentation? almost addictive and tasteful to the coming summer.

"doesn't hesitate a second" by the author of a toast is one of the surprises.

"Who likes Brazilian music will find in it a genuine contribution". velous caetano


It is an actor and singer of Brazilian origin Lebanese.
Born April 3, 1964 in Rio de Janeiro,


1  Garoa 

2  Tonteia 

3  Clareou 

4  Avalanche de Neve 

5  O Bonito É 

6  Saudade 

7  Pena Rei 

8  Encantava 

9  Não Hesitava Um Segundo 

10  Humbiumbi 







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