Format: 1 CD
Genre: rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock, Synth-pop
Barcode: 5050466148421
7.22€ Shipping: 3-6 days
1 Wake Up Call 05:15
2 Come With Me 04:34
3 Testify 06:31
4 Don't Get Me Started 04:41
5 Swing Low 05:08
6 It's Not Too Late 03:59
7 This Love This Heart 04:04
8 The Least You Can Do 04:37
9 Driving Me Crazy 04:21
10 Can't Stop Loving You 04:17
11 Thru My Eyes 05:07
12 You Touch My Heart 04:44
CD, Cassette, CDr, Vinyl
Global Music , Atlantic, Atlantic , WEA, Фирма Грамзаписи Никитин, Warner, WEA Records, Flower Records , Warner Music International, Warner Music Chile, Atlantic Records, Face Value Records, Warner Music International
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Europe, Taiwan, Hong Kong, UK & Europe, UK, Europe & US
2002, 2003, 2004, 2016