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Of Lovers, Gamblers And Parachute Skirts - Taraf de Haïdouks

Of Lovers, Gamblers And Parachute Skirts

Taraf de Haïdouks  

Format: 1 CD

Genre: folk, Folk, World, & Country, Romani

Barcode: 0876623007173

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.. parachute skirts


Romanian Gypsy taraf (ensemble) from Clejani. Ever since the release of their first album and their appearance in Tony Gatlif's influential Latcho Drom film, Taraf de Haïdouks have been considered as the epitome of Gypsy musics fabulous vitality. Apart from relentlessly touring around the globe, the group has engaged in a series of interesting collaborations: recordings and concert performances with Kronos Quartet, participation as models-cum-musicians in fashion designer Yohji Yamamotos Paris and Tokyo shows, onscreen appearance alongside Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci in Sally Potter's The Man Who Cried (for the soundtrack of which they recorded five pieces) etc. Meanwhile, the band members seem to have been relatively unaffected by all humdrum, they've retained their sense of humour and their way of life (they still reside in their modest village of Clejani, in the Valachian countryside)

Past and present line-up:
Ion Manole aka Şaică - vocals/violin (RIP)
Nicolae Neacşu aka Culai - vocals/violin (RIP)
Dumitru Baicu aka Mitică Cacurică - vocals/cymbalum (RIP)
Ilie Iorga - vocals (RIP)
Marin P. Manole aka Marin a lu Petre - vocals/accordion
Marin Manole aka Marius (16) - accordion
Ion Fălcaru aka Fluierici - winds, double bass (RIP)
Constantin Sandu aka Dinu lu Rădița - vocals/cymbalum
Sandu Marin aka Țagoi - vocals/accordion
Paul Giuclea - vocals/violin (RIP)
Constantin Lautaru aka Costică - violin/vocals
Anghel Gheorghe aka Caliu - violin
Ioniță Manole - accordion
Viorel Vlad - double bass
Ion Tanase aka Ionică - cymbalum
Florea Pîrvan aka Hogea - vocals/accordion
Marinel Sandu - cymbalum


1  Bălălău Din București (Balalau From Bucharest)  03:06

2  Din Caval Moldoveneasca (Moldavian Sheperds' Dance)  03:16

3  Bulgăraș De Gheață Rece (Cold Snowball)  04:32

4  înfloreȘte Iarbă în Camp (The Fields Are Blooming)  03:40

5  Dragoste De La Clejani (Clejani Love Song)  11:11

6  Manele Pomak (Manele Pomak)  04:31

7  La Ciolpan Cu Prispa Înaltă (The High Balcony In Ciolpan)  05:53

8  De Unde Vi Tu, Măi Lele ? (Where Do You Come From, Dear Lady ?)  03:25

9  Nici Nu Ninge, Nici Nu Plouă (No Snow, No Rain)  07:43

10  Cum Este Pe Lumea Ailaltă (I'll Tell You How It Is In The Other World)  06:05

11  Suită De Jocuri Ca la Clejani (Dance Suite À La Clejani)  05:08

12  Maică, Măiculița Mea (Mother, My Little Mama)  06:32

13  Am O Fustă Parașută (I've Got A Parachute Skirt)  03:33

14  Lament A Lu Marius (Marius' Lament)  02:34





Crammed Discs




2014, 2015


Ion Manole,Ion Fălcaru,Dumitru Baicu,Marin Manole,Marinel Sandu,Ion Tanase,Anghel Gheorghe,Paul Giuclea,Ilie Iorga,Viorica Rudăreasa,Marin Sandu,Nicolae Neacșu,Gheorghe Manole

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