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Canto Gregoriano Vol.II - Coro De Monjes Del Monasterio De Santo Domingo De Silos

Format: 1 CD

Genre: Choral, CLASSICAL

Barcode: 0724355627025


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Gregorian chant choir of the Benedictine Monastery Of Santo Domingo De Silos, which lies in Northern Spain at the end of a small valley in the province of Burgos. The Spanish name is Coro de monjes del Monasterio Benedictino de Santo Domingo de Silos ("Choir of the monks of the Benedictine Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos") or Coro de la Abadía Benedictina de Santo Domingo de Silos (Choir of the Benedictine Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos).

For releases, please use style Religious (under Non-Music genre) and Choral (under Classical).


1  Rorate caeli desuper - Introit  02:09

2  Alleluia, Domine in virtute tua  03:39

3  Respice, Domine - Gradual  04:37

4  Jucundare filia Sion - Antiphon & Psalm  02:48

5  Alleluia. Oportebat  03:37

6  Super flumina Babylonis - Offertory  01:37

7  Qui manducat - Communion  02:17

8  Puer natus est nobis - Introit  02:36

9  Viderunt omnes - Gradual  03:42

10  Tul sunt caeli - Offertory  01:48

11  Viderunt omnes - Communion  02:17

12  Verbum caro factum est - Short responsory  01:46

13  Hodie Christus natus est - Antiphon  00:59

14  Hodie nobis caelorum Rex - Responsory  04:43

15  Hodie nobis de caelo - Responsory  04:43

16  In principio - Responsory  02:32

17  A solis ortus cardine - Hymn  02:04

18  Gloria in excelsio Deo - Antiphon  00:30

19  Pueri Hebraeorum - Antiphon  02:08

20  Gloria, laus et honor - Hymn  03:23

21  Ingrediente Domino - Responsory  02:21

22  Christus factus est - Gradual  03:09

23  Pater, si non potest hic - Communion  01:56

24  De ore leonis - Short responsory  01:47

25  Zelus domus tuae - Antiphon  00:25

26  Tristis est anima - Responsory  03:00

27  Judas mercator - Responsory  02:17

28  Una hora - Responsory  03:02

29  Postquam surrexit - Antiphon  00:49

30  Dominus Jesus - Antiphon  01:11

31  Ubi caritas - Hymn  02:58

32  Hoc corpus - Communion  01:07





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