Format: 1 CD
Genre: electronic, pop, rock, Pop Rock, Vocal, Electro, Synth-pop, Downtempo
Barcode: 0602445897162
10.67€ 9.39€ Shipping: Today
1 Lavender Haze 03:22
2 Maroon 03:38
3 Anti-Hero 03:21
4 Snow On The Beach 04:16
5 You're On Your Own, Kid 03:14
6 Midnight Rain 02:55
7 Question...? 03:31
8 Vigilante Shit 02:45
9 Bejeweled 03:14
10 Labyrinth 04:08
11 Karma 03:25
12 Sweet Nothing 03:08
13 Mastermind 03:11
14 Hits Different 03:54
15 You're On Your Own, Kid (Strings Remix) 03:20
16 Sweet Nothing (Piano Remix) 03:27
Vinyl, CD, Cassette, File, Box Set, Memory Stick, Lathe Cut, CDr
Universal Music Taiwan, Universal Music Group, Republic Records, Something Special , Starsing Records, Republic Records , Not On Label (Taylor Swift)
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Europe, Australasia, Taiwan, USA & Europe, UK & US, Worldwide
2022, 2023, 2024