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Goldberg Variations - Автограф

Goldberg Variations


Format: 1 CD

Genre: Baroque, CLASSICAL

Barcode: 0034571178264

leopold string trio

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leopold string trio


The Moscow Autograph Ensemble was set up in the autumn of 1979.
In 1980 Autograph gained a professional status with the Mosconcert association. The group numbers five members: its leader Александр Ситковецкий (Alexander Sitkovetsky, guitar, vocals) educated at Moscow University and the Gnessin music college in the guitar class; Леонид Гуткин (Leonid Gutkin, bass-guitar and bassoon); Леонид Макаревич (Leonid Makarevich, keyboard instruments) — both Moscow Conservatoire alumni; Артур Беркут (Arthur Berkut, vocals and tenor saxophone] — the Gnessin music college; Виктор Михалин (Victor Mikhalin, drums and percussion) — the Moscow Conservatoire music school. Autograph play in the style that may best be described as "progressive rock".
Besides the studio work, the group nas a busy concert schedule: they have toured over a hundred Soviet cities.
In June 1981 the Ensemble had their first foreign tour in Bulgaria where they guest-performed at the gala concerts of the "Golden Orpheus" festival and had a good press for their "Truth" composition which was pronounced the best anti-war song. That was followed by concerts and TV appearances in the GDR, then bach in Bulgaria, then Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
In 1983 Autograph was made laureate of the 7th USSR variety Artists' Competition.
Сергей Криницын (Sergei Krinitsyn) was a drummer during 1990-1991.


1  Aria  04:15

2  Variation 1  01:46

3  Variation 2  01:23

4  Variation 3  02:01

5  Variation 4  01:03

6  Variation 5  01:23

7  Variation 6  01:15

8  Variation 7  02:10

9  Variation 8  01:55

10  Variation 9  01:35

11  Variation 10  01:30

12  Variation 11  01:54

13  Variation 12  01:58

14  Variation 13  04:39

15  Variation 14  02:04

16  Variation 15  03:49

17  Variation 16  02:38

18  Variation 17  01:59

19  Variation 18  01:30

20  Variation 19  01:47

21  Variation 20  01:57

22  Variation 21  01:57

23  Variation 22  01:11

24  Variation 23  01:55

25  Variation 24  02:34

26  Variation 25  07:11

27  Variation 26  01:59

28  Variation 27  01:57

29  Variation 28  02:34

30  Variation 29  02:22

31  Quodlibet  01:57

32  Aria da capo  04:18







United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland




Сергей Мазаев,Крис Кельми,Руслан Валонен,Андрей Моргунов,Виктор Михалин,Владимир Якушенко,Леонид Макаревич,Александр Ситковецкий,Леонид Гуткин,Сергей Рылеев,Артур Михеев,Юрий Фишкин,Леонид Лебедев,Сергей Криницын,Александр Зейгерман,Юрий Цурков,Николай Шевченко (3),Феликс Гиршин

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