Formato: 1 CD
Género: folk, pop, rock, Folk Rock, Bluegrass
Ean: 0892038002237
3.08€ Envio: Imediato
1 Sigh No More 03:28
2 The Cave 03:38
3 Winter Winds 03:40
4 Roll Away Your Stone 04:24
5 White Blank Page 04:14
6 I Gave You All 04:20
7 Little Lion Man 04:07
8 Timshel 02:53
9 Thistle & Weeds 04:50
10 Awake My Soul 04:16
11 Dust Bowl Dance 04:43
12 After The Storm 04:08
CD, File, Vinyl, CDr
Universal Music, Island Records, Universal Music Publishing Group, V2, V2 Records, Dew Process, Cooperative Music, Glassnote , Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC, Gentlemen Of The Road
Argentina, Austrália, Brasil, Canadá, Alemanha, Japão, Nova Zelândia, África do Sul, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Europe, UK & Europe, Australia & New Zealand, Benelux
2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2020
Marcus Mumford,