Formato: 1 CD
Género: pop, rock, Pop Rock, Art Rock
Ean: 0602567742630
12.17€ Envio: 6-15 dias úteis
1 Imagine (Ultimate Mix) 03:06
2 Crippled Inside (Ultimate Mix) 03:51
3 Jealous Guy (Ultimate Mix) 04:14
4 It's So Hard (Ultimate Mix) 02:29
5 I Don't Want To Be A Soldier (Ultimate Mix) 06:08
6 Give Me Some Truth (Ultimate Mix) 03:18
7 Oh My Love (Ultimate Mix) 02:47
8 How Do You Sleep (Ultimate Mix) 05:39
9 How? (Ultimate Mix) 03:35
10 Oh Yoko! (Ultimate Mix) 04:16
11 Power To People (Ultimate Mix) 03:24
12 Well... (Baby Please Don't Go) (Ultimate Mix) 04:04
13 God Save Us (Ultimate Mix) 03:12
14 Do The Oz (Ultimate Mix) 03:09
15 God Save Oz (Ultimate Mix) 03:27
16 Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (Ultimate Mix) 03:35
Vinyl, Cassette, Reel-To-Reel, 8-Track Cartridge, CD, File, Blu-ray, SACD
Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, ООО "ДОРА", Universal, Universal Music, Universal Music Group International, Euro Star, Vivo , Sawiton, EMI, Parlophone, Capitol Records, EMI Records Ltd., SomeWax Recordings, Ring , 先鋒, First Record, MC , Portrait, EMI Electrola, Jugoton, EMI Records, Capitol Records , Selles, Балкантон, Jam , EMI , GMI , Odeon, UFO , Gala Records , Universal Music Catalogue, EMI Music Canada, Мелодия, Toshiba EMI Ltd , Apple Records, Apple Records , Aziя Records, RC, Specialist Recording , Tiger , Balkanton Trading Ltd., World Records , Quadrapple, Rek Co., Tape Consultants of America, Audio 8 Track, РБСЗС, Apple Records, Inc., Party Time Productions
Argentina, Austrália, Bahrein, Brasil, Bulgária, Canadá, Chile, Colômbia, França, Alemanha, Grécia, Hungria, Índia, Irlanda, Israel, Itália, Japão, Coreia do Sul, Malásia, México, Países Baixos, Nova Zelândia, Noruega, Peru, Filipinas, Polónia, Portugal, Roménia, Rússia, Singapura, África do Sul, Espanha, Tailândia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Uruguai, Venezuela, Europe, Yugoslavia, Taiwan, Asia, UK & Europe, UK, Europe & US, Scandinavia, USA & Europe, Singapore, Malaysia & Hong Kong, Germany, Austria, & Switzerland, USSR, Central America
1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020