Formato: 1 Vinyl
Género: rock, Pop Rock, CLASSICAL
Ean: 0602567372349
A1 Too Many People
A2 3 Legs
A3 Ram On
A4 Dear Boy
A5 Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey
A6 Smile Away
B1 Heart Of The Country
B2 Monkberry Moon Delight
B3 Eat At Home
B4 Long Haired Lady
B5 Back Seat Of My Car
Cassette, Vinyl, CD, CD
EMI, Capitol Records, Capitol Records , ADA Sound Ltd., MPL , Hear Music, MPL , Not On Label (Paul McCartney), Regal Zonophone, Goblin Records
Austrália, Canadá, França, Alemanha, Japão, Rússia, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Europe, Czech Republic
1977, 1990, 1992, 1995, 2000, 2012, 2017, 2018