Formato: 1 CD
Género: pop
Ean: 0602547071668
10.16€ Envio: 3-6 dias úteis
1 Welcome To New York 03:32
2 Blank Space 03:51
3 Style 03:51
4 Out Of The Woods 03:55
5 All You Had To Do Was Stay 03:13
6 Shake It Off 03:39
7 I Wish You Would 03:27
8 Bad Blood 03:31
9 Wildest Dreams 03:40
10 How You Get The Girl 04:07
11 This Love 04:10
12 I Know Places 03:15
13 Clean 04:31
CD, File, Vinyl, Cassette
Universal, Universal Music Taiwan, Not On Label, Universal Music Argentina S.A., Big Machine Records, Big Machine Records , Not On Label (Taylor Swift)
Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, China, França, Índia, Indonésia, Japão, Coreia do Sul, Malásia, México, Filipinas, Polónia, Roménia, Rússia, África do Sul, Tailândia, Turquia, Estados Unidos, Europe, Australasia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, UK & Europe, USA & Canada, Vietnam
2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020